Flu Vaccinations 2023

Posted by: jreeveseastwood - Posted on:


We at the Atherstone Surgery are now doing Flu vaccinations for Autumn/Winter 2023.

We will be holding a clinic on Saturday 23rd of September for patient aged 65 and over.

Our following clinic will be held on Saturday 7th of October for patient aged 18-64 who are in at-risk groups.

Please be aware that these clinics are invite only. If you are in either of these at-risk groups and have not received an invite, please contact the surgery.

For all other groups please be patient and we will issue updates on other clinics as soon as they have been scheduled.

Flu is a highly infectious illness that spreads rapidly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the virus.

Flu Symptoms can hit suddenly and severely. They usually include fever, chills, headaches and aching muscles. You can often get a cough and sore throat. Because flu is caused by a virus and not bacteria, antibiotics won’t treat it.

Anyone can get flu, but it can be more serious for certain people, such as: people aged 65 or over, people who have a serious medical condition, pregnant women and young children.

Therefore the NHS offers free vaccinations to all those ‘At Risk’ patients.

Vaccination is the best way of protecting yourself and those close to you against infection by preventing the spread of the virus. 

Further information on the flu virus and the benefits of receiving a vaccination are available HERE.