No Smoking Day is here!

Wednesday 13th March 2024 is No Smoking Day which is an annual health awareness day in the United Kingdom intended to help smokers who want to quit smoking. This campaign aims to help people quit smoking by reminding them of the harms and signposting to support.
If you smoke, now is the perfect time to give quitting a go and feel the benefits – from better health to saving money. There are around 5.4 million adults in England who still smoke, and it remains the leading preventable cause of premature death. Stopping smoking is one of the best things smokers can do for their health, and it’s never too late to quit.
There are so many reasons to quit– even if you’ve smoked for many years or you’ve tried before. Not everybody manages to quit first time around. The important thing is giving it a go. Each time you try it is another stepping stone to success. It’s never too late to quit. Make today the start of your body’s recovery. #TodayIsTheDay and #NoSmokingDay
What are the benefits to quitting smoking?
Stopping smoking brings multiple benefits to health, some immediate and others that build over time. These include having more energy and being able to breathe more easily. For symptoms of anxiety and depression, stopping smoking is as effective as taking antidepressants. Just 6 weeks after quitting, people start feeling happier as well as healthier.
Smoking can cause 16 types of cancer, heart disease, COPD and stroke. However fewer people realise that smoking is also a significant risk factor for dementia. If you stop smoking it will help protect your brain health and reduce your risk of dementia. To find out more please visit the link below:
All you need to know about smoking and dementia – Alzheimer’s Research UK (

You’ll also have more money in your pocket. On average a smoker could save £47 a week by quitting smoking. That’s around £2,450 a year to spend on other things once you quit.

Please take a look at the video below for a timeline of the physical benefits of quitting smoking:
How do I quit smoking?
If you’ve decided to quit smoking this March, here are ten top tips to help you succeed:
- Pick a quit date and add it to your calendar
- List your reasons to quit
- Use stop smoking aids to help manage cravings
- Change your routine if you smoke at certain times of day
- Tell people you are quitting
- If you’ve tried to quit before, remember what worked
- Have a plan if you are tempted to smoke
- List your smoking triggers and how to avoid them
- Keep cravings at bay by keeping busy
- Exercise away the urge
Need more motivation? There’s a range of free support for those looking to quit, including the NHS Quit Smoking app, Facebook support group, an online Personal Quit Plan and local stop smoking service look-up tool, as well as advice on stop smoking aids including information on how vaping can help you quit smoking.
For tips, tools and support to stop visit and start your quitting journey. #TodayIsTheDay
For more tips, advice and information on the benefits of quitting smoking please click on the link below to take a look at an easy read booklet from Better Health.
For even more support click below to download the free NHS stop smoking app –

For other services to help you stop smoking please see the sites below:
- Cancer Research UK Stop Smoking
- Quit4Good (WCC Stop Smoking Service)
- NHS Live Well – Quit Smoking
- Stop Smoking In Pregnancy Service
For a selection of webinars to help you quit please visit the ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) Youtube channel below:
Never give up on giving up. Every time you try to stop smoking, you’re a step closer to success.