Get Your Blood Pressure Checked – Try Our POD Machine Today!

Posted by: jreeveseastwood - Posted on:

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The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC)’s new ‘get your blood pressure checked’ campaign launched on 11th March 2024. The campaign is intended to raise awareness of high blood pressure (also known as hypertension), which is one of the largest known risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The overarching aim of the campaign is to encourage adults aged 40 years and over to get their blood pressure tested and help support the NHS Long Term Plan’s ambition to focus on and prevent ill health and tackling health inequalities to prevent 150,000 strokes, heart attacks and vascular dementia cases as a result of CVD over the next ten years, by raising awareness and diagnosis of high blood pressure.

In particular they are targeting those most likely to have undiagnosed high blood pressure and those who are more likely to experience the most serious outcomes from CVD.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels and can lead to a fatal heart attack, stroke, kidney disease or vascular dementia. CVD causes 1 in 4 deaths in England. It is a serious condition that damages more than your blood vessels and heart, but also your brain, kidneys and eyes. High blood pressure is the largest single risk factor for CVD and can increase your risk of serious and potentially life-threatening health conditions.

Did you know that high blood pressure usually has no symptoms? You could be one of millions living with high blood pressure without knowing it. It is estimated that 4.2 million people in England have undiagnosed high blood pressure. Left untreated, high blood pressure can significantly increase your risk of a fatal heart attack, stroke, kidney disease or vascular dementia.

The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get an NHS blood pressure check, which is a simple, non-invasive procedure which can be done quickly and easily for free by using the POD machine located in reception at your surgery, and you don’t need to book in advance.

For more information about our POD machine and how to use it, please click on the link below.

For further information, including the NHS online blood pressure tool which can help give a better understanding of what your readings mean and how to self-monitor and manage your blood pressure click on the link below.

CHD is the most common type of cardiovascular disease and is usually the cause of heart attack. There are a number of key medical risk factors including high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity and poor diet that contribute. Whilst it’s not always clear what causes high blood pressure, but there are things that can increase your risk.

You might be more at risk if you:

A stroke can happen to anyone at any age, but it’s often thought of as happening more in men. Men have a higher risk of having a stroke than women however, as stroke risk increases with age, stroke affects a greater number of women proportionately because of their increased life expectancy.

In the years running up to the menopause, women can start to have more risk factors for stroke such as diabetes, high blood pressure and weight gain. Pregnancy, childbirth, taking the pill all increase your risk of a stroke.

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, the good news is there are things you can do to reverse it and help stop serious consequences in the future. Reducing it even a small amount can help lower your risk of serious health conditions.

High blood pressure can be easily reversed either with medication and/or lifestyle changes, maintaining a healthy weight, taking regular exercise, drinking alcohol in moderation, and not smoking. Some lifestyle changes will lower your blood pressure in a matter of weeks, while others may take longer.

Try to:

Eat a low-fat, balanced diet – including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables:

Cut your salt intake to less than 6g (0.2oz) a day, which is about a teaspoonful:

Be active:

Cut down on alcohol:

Lose weight:

Drink less caffeine – found in coffee, tea and cola.

Stop smoking:

You can take these steps today, regardless of whether or not you’re taking blood pressure medicines. In fact, by making these changes early on you may be able to avoid needing medication.

Don’t wait, come into the surgery and test your blood pressure today! – Getting your blood pressure checked could save your life.