Friends and Family Test & Results

Friends and Family Test & Results

We as a practice value the opinion of our patients, as such we regularly ask you to share your thoughts regarding our practice and what we can do to improve it by filling out one of our Friends and Family tests.

It’s just a short test that helps us give you our best service. Please click on the link below if you would like to contribute.

If you would like to know the results of our tests so far please see below.


How was your experience of our service?Very GoodGoodNeither Good nor PoorPoorVery PoorDon’t know
December 2024279 31 
November 20244214 221
October 20245063  1
September 20242661 1 
August 20241   1 
July 2024124  1 
June 20244     
May 202443    
April 2024521   
March 20243     
February 2024403    
January 2024111