Sean O’Doherty – New PCN Paramedic

Posted by: jreeveseastwood - Posted on:

3D painting of Welcome

Thanks to the additional service roles we have access to through the North Arden PCN we at the Atherstone Surgery are expanding our team and are delighted to be able to offer our patients the services of Sean O’Doherty our new paramedic who is now accepting appointments.

Sean’s duties will include helping with the following acute on the day illnesses:

  • UTI’s (female only over 16 years)
  • Coughs / Sore throats / Tonsillitis (in children aged 5 years and upwards only)
  • Earache / Ear Infections
  • Chest Infections
  • Fevers
  • Sinusitis
  • Scabies
  • Threadworm
  • Rashes

To book an appointment with Sean please speak to our skilled reception team. If you would like to read more about Sean and what a PCN paramedic does, please click HERE.

Welcome to the Atherstone Surgery Sean!