
We offer patients practical advice and support in helping to understand and control their diabetes. Via a routine appointment you will be assessed, we will offer you advice, any queries you have will be answered and a correct management plan will be ensured.

Patients with diabetes should be reviewed annually. These appointments currently consist of having a routine non-fasting blood test, a face to face appointment with a nurse or HCA for routine checks and a follow up telephone slot with the GP to discuss the results of your blood test and to discuss possible diabetic medication changes.

The surgery will contact you for this when you are due an appointment but If you have not had your diabetic review in the past year or wish to alter a diabetic appointment please contact Kathryn Dexter via our reception on 01827 713664.

Patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes may be referred by us to the DESMOND service. DESMOND is the collaborative name for a family of group self-management education modules, toolkits and care pathways for people with, or at risk of, Type 2 diabetes. It is geared towards providing information and support to help manage diabetes and the changes that it will bring to the patient’s life. It also allows patient’s the opportunity to meet and share their experiences with others.

For more information please visit their website or take a look at the following video.

For more information about diabetes and its care please check out the following websites.